Healthcare Photography

One of our photography specialties is in covering the area of healthcare. We are very fortunate to be entrusted with this work all around the United States and we do quite a lot! We’re not strangers to laboratories, operating rooms, emergency rooms and clinics. We’ve even been fortunate enough to shoot alongside helicopters and ambulances. We owe a debt of gratitude to one of our awesome clients K2MD Health particularly. They have hired us many times to be producers of both still and video visual content for their clients and we’re very grateful.

Is It Stressful?

It really isn’t stressful work at all. We get asked this question a lot because hospitals usually have a lot going on inside. Perhaps the only stress we find for ourselves is in getting lost. Hospitals are like labyrinths. Often times it’s an old building connected to many newer buildings that have been added on over the years. One of our favorite things to do is to compare hospital cafeteria food. We’ve got our own list of favorites that we’ve encountered over the years. More often than not, our schedule dictates that we eat in the hospitals in which we film. Well enough about all that! Check out some of our work and feel free to let us know what you think.

It’s all about the people.

So much of this topic surrounds technology and technique. But behind all of those elements are the people. Without them, the technology and techniques wouldn’t exist. We love being able to capture these professionals in their element. From cancer wards, to cafeterias, this industry relies on so many to make it happen. But healthcare workers aren’t the only folks we spend time around. Be sure to check out our portfolio of people to see the other heroes we’ve been alongside.